Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This card was made for a teacher who helped me the entire week when we were on duty. Yes, teachers take turns to do duty the entire week. We handle students and take any students who might be sick to the hospital and etc.

This teacher was always there helping out and I felt really can I describe my feelings? Appreciating him is not enough to convey my meaning of how deeply moved I am for his help. I bought him a small present and made him this card to convey my thanks to him. I am not sure if I have shown my appreciation clearly but I really, really do.

I have worked with so many teachers but he was the only one who really helped.

He and his wife.

I can't really just say thank-you to him alone. I have his wife to thank too. The reason is his wife can put a plug and he would listen and then I am ...........without help.

'Selamat Berpuasa' means Have a pleasent fasting month and wishing him and his wife the best.

My first quilling piece. Am really proud of it. Ha Ha Ha

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