Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hari Raya Cards

This teacher has a name tag. Cute eh?

These are teachers in my group. I have also drawn myself - the one behind the two; the one with red bead necklace. Ha Ha Ha. I have a blouse with that pattern

Different settings play on the colour and light of the photo.

div>Let me introduce the teachers to you.

The teacher in blue baju kurung is Puan Yeow Sat Lee and she teaches Chinese language. Next to her is Vasanthi, an Add Maths teacher and then it will be Puna Foong Yin Kheng. She teaches the Malay language.

Behind Puan Yeow Sat Lee is me. The teacher next to me is Miss Lim Mei Cheng. She loves to dress in blouse and flair skirts. She teaches English, just like me. At present she is the English Language Head of Department, a post I held for 10 years. Not a really nice post. The last teacher is Miss Mageswari who teaches the Tamil language. We are a close group in the school.

My Hari Raya Card representing the Stuff Club of my school to the rest of the Malay stuffs and clerks wishing them


These two cards took me an entire week to do. It was painstakingly slow but it was really therapeutic to a tired soul. At the end of it, whether teachers and stuffs will appreciate them or not, it doesn't really matter but I have enjoyed myself and recharged myself to face the daily grind of being a teacher of this modern 'Y' generation who doesn't care too hoots about teachers. In fact while those days the students were really afraid of the teachers, today we have to earn their respect and should not be proud to apologize if wrong. I have done it countless times even though sometimes it was none of my fault.

Apologizing does not mean I have lost. It simply calms the situation and the angry child. I will normally bring up the subject of contention later, explaining the situation and helping the child to see things in a different light.

I teach 17 and 18 year old students but in my eyes, they are still young and very often lack the foresight so how can I hold grudges against even the naughtiest and sometimes the provocative ones who make every effort to hurt and annoy you. This type can really drive you up the walls and you wish so much to land a sharp smack on his face. But of course no student ever succeeded in making me lose my cool. Not that I am a good teacher. It is because, I view them differently.

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